About Us
We Teach Your Body To Treat Itself
Our goal is to treat patients using old traditional techniques of Acupuncture along with homeopathic drugs prepared from all natural ingredients.
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Healthy Life
Adrenal Health Testing
Saliva test showing how stress has impacted your hormone levels, sleep patterns and energy levels
Food Sensitivity Testing
A simple blood test to help you determine which foods may be causing health problems like digestive upset, joint pain, headaches and fatigue
CranialSacral Therapy
A gentle hands-on treatment that promotes relaxation and helps alleviate conditions like headaches and jaw tension
Massage Therapy
Deep tissue massage helps relieve acute and chronic pain, promotes circulation and improves flexibility
Naturopathic Medicine
Combines the best of modern science with traditionally used natural medicines to promote whole body wellness
High Cholesterol & Blood Sugar
Cholesterol numbers are actually just ONE of the many rick factors for cardiovascular disease. In fact, cholesterol is actually needed by every cell in the body to function properly. In some cases, the body is making too much, or the…
Digestive Issues
Let’s face it – we have all had “bad” digestion at one time or another. Usually we have a pretty good idea of what might have caused the issue, like too much spicy food the night before. While natural medicine…
Food Sensitivity Testing
A simple blood test to help you determine which foods may be causing health problems like digestive upset, joint pain, headaches and fatigue
Naturopathic Medicine
Combines the best of modern science with traditionally used natural medicines to promote whole body wellness